Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

What is ECO4?
ECO4 is the fourth phase of the ECO scheme, focusing on reducing carbon emissions and tackling fuel poverty by providing energy efficiency upgrades like insulation, heat pumps, and efficient boilers.

  1. Who is eligible for ECO4?
    Households receiving certain government benefits, those on low income, or those identified as fuel poor are typically eligible. Properties with low energy efficiency ratings (EPC bands D-G) are prioritized.
  2. What measures are covered?
    ECO4 supports upgrades such as cavity wall insulation, loft insulation, underfloor insulation, and renewable heating systems.
  3. How do I apply?
    Eligible households can apply through obligated energy suppliers or installers registered with the scheme.
  4. Are there costs involved?
    Measures are often free for eligible households, though contributions may be required in some cases depending on the property and upgrades.
  5. What’s new in ECO4?
    Unlike previous phases, ECO4 places a greater emphasis on whole-house retrofits, aiming to increase overall property efficiency rather than standalone upgrades.
  6. How long does the process take?
    The timeline varies based on the property, measures required, and installer availability, but assessments and installations typically take a few weeks to complete.

ECO4 is a significant step in tackling energy efficiency and fuel poverty in the UK, helping homeowners and tenants reduce energy bills while lowering carbon emissions.

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